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what is yencubed?

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The name 'yencubed' is a combination of my nickname 'yen' and a habit that my friends have when they call me, where they repeat my name three times; they would call me 'yen yen yen' and so the 'cubed' means that it to a power of 3 (math guys, math) so yen3 is read as yencubed.

Illustration has always been a love of mine. I used to imagine all sorts of storyline and drew those stories out in leftover school notebooks and call them my comics. Discovering Japanese comics, or more commonly known as manga, was the start of a love affair that continued til today. I started to spend a lot more time drawing and creating characters and it paved the way to what i am doing today. Whilst yencubed is not a comic store, i realise that one can still instill story-telling into stationery design. This journey is still a long one (God willing) and i hope to build and refine my capacity and skill so that the art i produced can promote positive and constructive  transformation in our self, our family, friends and the people around us. 

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